My Personal Notes on Kathy Charlene Brown
by Traciy Curry-Reyes
Update: January 16, 2009
Well, Dusty is on the run again. She was definitely living in Little Rock, Arkansas as recently as 2007. She has since stopped reporting to her parole officer, and there is an active warrant out for her arrest. It is believed that she has left the state.
Here is a small timeline, according to Edwina.
While visiting her sister Edwina, who was in the military at the time, Kathy met Chris, who was also stationed there temporarily. The two began dating, and they later married on July 31, 1979. They left North Carolina, and they stopped in Alabama to meet Chris' parents. From there, the pair went to Oklahoma to meet Kathy's family. It was during this visit that Kathy managed to abduct her first child, Jeanie, during a visitation set up by the father, Wayne Forrest. The three left for Hawaii. On September 26, 1980 (conflicting info about the birthdate. The prison records all have Nov 6, 1980, the family website says Oct 26, 1980.) Terrah Christine Brown was born. Chris and Kathy started having marital problems. There was screaming, fighting, threatening and the like. Charlene told her sisters that Chris was abusive and jealous, so she moved out. She shared an apartment with two girls named Nancy and Stacy. It was during this time that she began seeing Ralph Jackson also known as "Rocky." Chris found about Rocky, and he grew even more angry. (end)
Chris was murdered Sept 2, 1982. At the time of the murder, Kathy was 25 and Chris was only 22 and Ralph 'rocky' Jackson was only 20 years old. They were not able to get Dusty the first go around, but Chris Brown's mother kept at it until she finally got temporary custody of the baby, Christy. At some point during this time, I am told by a family member of Dusty Brown, that Dusty and her sister Diane went to Alabama to get the child, which had to be in 1983. It was during this time that a warrant and a bulletin were issued for Kathy Charlene Brown as a fugitive of justice. After 5 months, the child was located in a shelter in Illinois. After 3 trials and almost 3 years Dusty Brown was finally convicted of Conspiracy to Murder and given 7 years, although she only served 4 years, and she was released from Federal prison on September 13, 1989. During her stint in prison, she became pregnant with at least one and possibly two children in prison. (One of her sisters states that this is completely false. But, the prison was a coed prison at the time.) No one ever saw the son. I don't believe Dusty did either, but a California couple adopted the son. The family member told me that Dusty does not have contact with any of her children, and she has very little contact with her siblings. Although, she did attend a few family get-togethers, but, I am told that she did not attend her mother's funeral. The family was not able to locate her to tell her of her mother's death.
Since that time, Dusty has been in and out of prison for petty crimes, mostly writing bad checks, forgery, and DUI's. She was released from an Oklahoma prison in 1999 after serving 5 years for writing bad checks, and as recently as 2001 was rearrested for forgery and concealing stolen property.
On Her Marriages and Petty Crimes
This is a little bit confusing, and I am still working out the details through court records. It appears that she actually has had a few marriages. The first to Wayne Forrest, then Chris Brown in 1979, and then again at some point to a Cecil M. Schroeder, a man 20 years her senior. She wrote "hot checks" on Cecil while having an affair with a man named Johnny Dean Hood. Cecil M. Shroeder and Kathy filed for divorce on July 31, 2000, and it appears that she married Johnny Dean Hood (the father not his notorious son) of the same year. In 2001, Cecil M. Schroeder was then convicted of Rec/Poss/Conc Stolen Property and sentenced to five years.At some point, Kathy Brown moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. She was arrested and convicted of theft on December 11, 2001. She served until January 8, 2004. She was arrested again and sent back to prison in August of the same year, and she was released on parole on March 2, 2007. In October of 2007 she stopped reporting to her parole officer. There is an active warrant out for her arrest. It is believed that she has left the state.
Her Family
I thought it was interesting to note that the family member stated that through everything, the family still loves Dusty very much. Wow. No matter how bad a person is, or what mistakes they have made, they come from somewhere...they have a family who loves them. Her sister Edwina has not seen Dusty in 9 years. Every few years, or so, Dusty will get in touch with her by phone. The last time they spoke was in 2004.My interview with the older family member who remembers it all has taken down his website. There was a lot of info there. I did save hard copies of most of the family info.
Dusty as a child
Dusty's Names
Birth Name: Kathy Charlene Jackson
Nickname: Dusty
Other names: Kathy Forrest, Charlene Jackson, Kathy Brown, Kathy Hood, Kathy Shorten and Debrah Burns (I think these are the fraud cases). Who knows what she is using now.
Extra Tidbit: I learned on last night that the name Dusty was not a name given to her by her family. This could have been a pet name that her husband Chris gave to her. Rocky also uses the name Dusty. Her family calls her Charlene.
Copyright 1997-2008
A very sad life she has led.Hopefully her family will get in touch with her and let her know she is still loved,help her get on the right path, and contact all of her children before it is too late.
why dont you guys just leave her alone if you got a problem with her let it go this is her husband ........
Hey Mark, did she leave Chris alone? NO!!! Your lucky u weren't next!
sad life my butt.She was a money hungry b****.And leave her alone f*** that i hope she SUFFERD for along time befor she went to HELL.Chris brown didn't ask to be murdered she made that choice for him.She played god and she will pay for that!
amen to that!!!! shes goin straight to hell !!!!! and the sad part is that her children and his family are paying the price for her sins..what goes around comes around and thats why she is suffering in life now.. she will never have any good luck as long as she lives. she to will meet her maker one day.and will have to answer for all of her sins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a self-centered person who showed no love or effection for her children but didnt mine concieving them for her own gradification..this crazy, low-life didnt not care for ANYONE but her could anyone have loved this women...your life is what you make of it so NO one can feel sorry for her...she brought EVERYTHING on to herself...
Goodness is there no end to this trashy thing, may she rest in hell, her children are better off without her. Kudos for Mrs. Mary Brown (chris's mom) for fighting for Chrissy, I know Chris is very proud of you, may he rest in peace!
roth in hell
roth in hell
Hey Mark, why don't you get yourself a real woman. Your wife is probably using you too!
Charlene know you are reading this. If you have not been found please turn urself in so ur family can have some peace knowing that you are okay.This is a friend of urs you and I left Ada togather went were u met Wayne.What u have done is wrong.But there are people who care about you. So please turn urself in.
Sir, I agree with you. Everyone has committed some type of sin. How they feel that their sin is less harsh-is insane! Circumstances are apart of life and we all deal with things differently from others. The most dangerous/damaging/delusional thing we all do is say what "we" would have done in certain situations. What we all need to remember is that we are not to judge. As some people can use their stone to make a hut, house or mansion depending upon their own sin.
The most dangerous, damaging, and delusional thing that we all do is say what "we" would have done in a certain situation. All people sin, but are quick to judge/throw stones, when they can't see their own sin. I'm sure if they searched hard enough, they'd know their sin/stones are enough for some to build a hut, some a house and others a mansion.
She has passed away.
How anyone could defend this piece of trash murderer is beyond me.
She died is 2011 yall
Kathy died November 21, 2011. She was cremated
Kathy Charlene Lyons died November 21, 2011. She was cremated.
Welp 🤷🏽♀️ She’s dead now
I agree with you. She wouldn't settle for a divorce and visitations, she had to have Chris killed!! And yes Mark, you very well could have been next!
I agree with you. She wouldn't settle for a divorce and visitations, she had to have Chris killed!! And yes Mark, you very well could have been next!
O shut the hell up! That damn animal you know don't love nobody not even herself. I'm sick to my stomach . How can a person disrespect their marriage how can you sit here and live dick more than your children. Sad and disgusting I'm happy that chris mother got the joy of justice. Sad it wasn't a LIFE SENTENCE. She deserved a life sentence and who the hell said to let her out in 4 years? God took care of her though , hope she thought n seen chris before she took her last dying breath. She is rotting in hell! RIP CHRIS & MARY BROWN. Yous are resting now and holding eachother in heaven while Dusty becomes crusty in HELL
Where is she now
Amazing how forging a check gets a person five years and Conspiracy to commit murder only seven. Wow!
Rest in peace Chris brown and hope Kathy Charlene brown and Rocky Johnson ROT IN HELL FOR KILLING CHRIS AND HOPE KATHY CHARLENE BROWN ROTS IN HELL FOR HAVING CHRIS KILLED
Rest in peace Chris brown and hope Kathy Charlene brown and Rocky Johnson ROT IN HELL FOR KILLING CHRIS AND HOPE KATHY CHARLENE BROWN ROTS IN HELL FOR HAVING CHRIS KILLED
Rest in peace Chris brown and hope Kathy Charlene brown and Rocky Johnson ROT IN HELL FOR KILLING CHRIS AND HOPE KATHY CHARLENE BROWN ROTS IN HELL FOR HAVING CHRIS KILLED
You better watch your back buddy you could be next! She's probably just looking for somebody to kill you so she can cash in
Kathy Dusty Brown aka Kathy Charlene Lyons been dead over a decade now. She died November 21, 2011.
What did she die off.
Happy to read she died young.
How can you say leave her alone? She was nothing but a money hungry evil witch! She used that baby and finally played the victim so she could have Chris killed. You are lucky that you didn’t end up dead like Chris.
Does anyone know when Mary Brown and her husband passed away? I read they had divorced, which is very sad to find out. I hope they stayed together until Christy was grown. But I also understand Christy has been in trouble with the law? And that she went to prison? Is that true and if so, what for? Thanks for all the information you have posted.
Does anyone know when Mary Brown and her husband passed away? I read they had divorced, which is very sad to find out. I hope they stayed together until Christy was grown. But I also understand Christy has been in trouble with the law? And that she went to prison? Is that true and if so, what for? Thanks for all the information you have posted.
Husband, my ass! Hahahaha!!!!! She can't even be with one man at a time! Husband?!! Hahahaha!!!!! If u r married 2 that thing, u just better watch ur back and sleep with one eye open, or u will be her next victim. All she cares about is money and sex. So ur whore of a so called wife does not love u. She loves ur money and dick. And so stop thinking with ur dick and get ur head out of ur damn ass and save u own life.
She was guilty as hell.
Well said
How can you be with someone that plotted the murder of her husband and also her babies father death?? I mean if it were me there’s no way in hell that I would be involved in a relationship or marriage with someone that damn evil!!
May Chris Rest In Peace. As for her, she’s finally having to answer for what she’s done. May God bless and bring peace to her family and children that she wronged.
I have followed this story for years. Chris may not of been a saint, but he did not deserve to die so tragically. I'm so thankful that Dusty is off this earth for good! She never deserved to spend most of her life in prison, she should of been killed in prison. She was a terrible person and and deserved to rot in hell. She was never a mother! She was just an a carrier. RIP Chris, I'm so glad that you receive some type of justice and was able to get some peace once that horrible sl*** was out away?
I have followed this story for years. Chris may not of been a saint, but he did not deserve to die so tragically. I'm so thankful that Dusty is off this earth for good! She never deserved to spend most of her life in prison, she should of been killed in prison. She was a terrible person and and deserved to rot in hell. She was never a mother! She was just an a carrier. RIP Chris, I'm so glad that you receive some type of justice and was able to get some peace once that horrible sl*** was put away
Did she leave others alone? She should have stayed in prison. All she has done since? Spare me. She learned nothing. You love her? Go ahead but that family she tore apart will never be the same. Spare me your whining over her. .
Well I further have no choice but to l ave her alone since she died 3 months before you posted this stupid comment. You would think that you would know she died since you are “supposedly” her husband. Lol
She’s dead
She’s been dead since 2011 so no, pretty sure she can’t read it. Lol
From what I hear, Chrissy had gotten into drugs and following in the footsteps of her mother. Her grandparents are dead and gone now. I hope she can turn her life around and make her father proud someday. As for Dusty, Gods got a special place somewhere for her to go and it’ll be pretty damn hot there! Which is what she deserves!
Anonymous Amen to that
I wouldn't be proud to.announce that...
The movie about this story is Free on Tubi and Patty Duke played the hell out of this movie too! A Matter of Justice/starring Patty Duke and Martin Sheen .
She passed away in 2011
Hey Mark . Your lucky that she didn't do anything to you . I can imagine what you may have went threw with her . I'm sure as she got older the drug's and alcohol never stopped . you were probably the kind of people that entertained teens. . to try and use them also . to get them to do shit for you all .
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